Estrenos & Toros

My work was based on that, in distributing for each premiere and run the locations that we had assigned. Perhaps it is not as exciting as doing events, but it is always good to bring joy to people and to be able to send them a ticket to what they like the most.

Among the previews that I coordinated in Madrid, there were films like Los Futbolísimos, Yucatán, La Sombra de la Ley, Ola de Crímenes, Animales Sin Collar or El Árbol de la Sangre.

Cartel Futbolisimos
Cartel Yucatan
Cartel La sombra de la ley
Cartel Ola de Crimenes
Cartel Animales sin collar
Cartel Petra
Cartel El Arbol de la Sangre

On the other hand, the bullfighting fairs were in different bullrings of Spain. I managed tickets to the San Isidro, Pamplona, Santander, Azpeitia, San Sebastián, Bilbao, Zaragoza or the Madrid Feria de Otoño.

Toros 15
Toros 12
Toros 14
Toros 1
Toros 10
Toros 16
Toros 17
Toros 11


Junket Instinto

The long-awaited series Instinto, by Movistar+, was finishing its filming at the end of October. With a sensational cast, the series includes among others the brothers Oscar and Mario Casas, Jon Arias and Ingrid García Jonsson. As this series is going to have great notoriety since its premiere, my colleagues from the press, together with the producer of the series Bambú Producciones, organized a large call for the media to interview the actors.

All kinds of media came to this press junket, from media from the television sector (Fórmula Tv, Vertele, Sensacine, etc.), to media from the heart (¡HOLA!, Cuore, Vanitatis). Filming scenarios were shown, a photo session of the protagonists was carried out, and interviews were done. These were made in groups with various media at the same time, and also individually on video.

I attended as a representative of the Movistar+ events department, and thus be able to lend a hand to the press department. It is not easy to coordinate times and actors so that they can respond to journalists who have a lot, but a lot, to ask.

If you watch the following video of ¡HOLA!, you will see how Mario tells you how sensual his character is, but be careful that my red shirt does not distract you by walking around behind over and over again.


Cartel SSIFF

The SSIFF is surely the most important film festival in Spain, and I am very happy to have been able to contribute my bit. Movistar+ went with some of its series to Donosti, such as Gigantes and Arde Madrid.

Although I was not assigned to this event, I helped my colleagues a little with the coordination of the trips and transfers of the actors, so that they could show all their glamour on the red carpet. Everything turned out great.


Without a doubt, the biggest event I participated in during my stay at Movistar+. Furthermore, it was surely also the most important for the company in 2018. This Upfront was the first in the history of Movistar+, and also the first in the television industry in Spain. The new season had to be presented, with all the faces of the chain. And it is for that when Movistar uses the claim Choose Everything (Elige Todo), it is because it really has everything and it has everyone.

The Assistants

The truth is that night everyone from the television industry was in the NuBel space of the Reina Sofía. Movistar+ is very committed to its original production, and for this reason there were, of course, many actors such as Imanol Arias, Amaia Salamanca, Paco León or Mario Casas. Also directors, such as Alejandro Amenábar or Mariano Barroso.

It was as well full of athletes, because all the sports are exclusively on Movistar+. Griezmann, Tamara Echegoyen, Albelda, Marcos Senna, Savané … all of them and many more took a break to come to the most important event in the house.

It is difficult to find a comedian in Spain that does not have a space in #0. More than 40 faces from our comedy came, such as Buenafuente, Quequé and the Ilustres Ignorantes, among others. In addition, many of them had a fundamental role in the ceremony, such as David Broncano, who was the presenter of the content.

Movistar+ Faces
Actors & Directors (+90)
TV Presenters (+60)
Athletes (+30)
Comedians (+40)

And this is just our faces. In addition, there were more than 300 guests from the sector to whom this event was truly addressed. So we are talking about many, many people. Lots of people to invite and confirm. Apart from confirming to our faces, for which we must also buy AVE tickets, manage transfers, host them in hotels … this is where my work focused. It was a very stressful job, but one that made me stronger for organizing any Christmas lunch or birthday party in the future.

The Event

The Upfront was divided into two moments: a blue carpet and a subsequent presentation. The carpet lasted for a long time, as many people had to pass by, take photos, answer questions and sign autographs. Later, all the celebrities entered into a VIP zone where the presentation would take place with a small cocktail. Here are some of the photos shared by my coworkers of social networks, as well as a fun video of network interviews.


The interior ceremony was private, so I cannot share material from the presentation. But I can show the most important faces of this event, which are from the Movistar+ Upfront team, where each one contributed their bit to make it a success.

Equipo Upfront Movistar+
Equipo Upfront Movistar+

The Full Gala

Hey, if my explanation was short for you, here is the whole blue carpet narrated by Noemí de Miguel. She will name you much better and in a more extended way all the faces of Movistar+, which as I have already said, it has them all.

Play Video


Captura de pantalla 2019-02-28 a las 0.15.39

This summer in Madrid was tremendously hot, but thanks to Movistar+ and NBA, basketball fans were able to cool off a bit next to the Larry O’Brien trophy at the Telefónica Flagship in Gran Vía. On July 25th, the doors were fully open for those who I would like to see and be photographed with this prestigious trophy.

My task was to coordinate the event, so that no details were missing for the occasion. With the help of my teammates and the NBA, the space in the store was enabled for this day. The doors were vinylated announcing the event and clips of different matches were played on the exterior and interior screens. In addition, the trophy was placed in one of the areas of the store, along with a great photocall to fill the fans’ Instagram with good photos.

The results of this action were incredible. The traffic of people that day in the store increased by 100% compared to a year ago, reaching about 2,500 visitors. There was also a lot of interaction through social networks, all under the classic hashtag #dormiresdecobardes.


Canal #0

Summer was just beginning and Movistar+ was already preparing the launch of the new season of Canal #0. By 2019, new programs were added to their grill, and others were renewed with the familiar faces of the house. To come back strong after the summer, you had to have a good battery of photos, videos, clips for the advertising and merchandising. Broncano, Buenafuente, Iñaki Gabilondo, Milá, the Ilustres Ignorantes… it is important to record them all.

A production company was in charge of the recording, and Movistar put the set and the chromas so that everything turned out perfect. The outfit was also devised, which of course not everyone liked having so much knee in the air at first. For my part, I was with my partner as a representative of the events department to balance the schedules, manage the transfers of the stars, receive them in the lobby, and try to solve any problem that arose. I learned a lot about how these things are recorded, and I liked meeting comedians that I have admired for years.

Canal #0
Canal #0

By the way, I was all week with the song sung by Joaquín Reyes and Ernesto Sevilla in my head … It is a nice song, but very catchy, especially if you listen to it over and over again while recording!


Foto Hierro

Movistar+ and Telefónica’s Canary Islands Delegation organized a two-day visit to El Hierro for Telefónica clients and workers. This event was held because of the recording of Hierro, a new intrigue series that will be out soon.

The winners of this visit visited several important locations on the island that appear in the series on July 4th and 5th, and had the opportunity to see a recording set. Among them were the Mirador del Jinama, La Llaina, Las Puntas, Valverde … a truly beautiful itinerary organized by the Portocabo production company.

This event was on the same days as the new season shooting of Canal #0, so I missed visiting this paradise. What I did take care of was managing the transport of all the clients who attended, both to get to the island and to move around it later.


Movistar+ recorded a beautiful documentary on Pedro Delgado, history of Spanish cycling, winner of a Tour de France. On June 27th, before its premiere, a presentation of the documentary was organized at the Telefónica Flagship, with an interview with its protagonist by Mónica Marchante and Alejandro Martinez Roig. For the event, among all the guests, a large number of sports journalists were summoned, who gave the documentary an impact.

I was in Gran Vía as a representative of the events department, together with my colleagues from the press and set design. It was a very beautiful day for me, although I am not passionate about cycling, I was able to learn a lot from this great figure in Spanish sport.



The El Día de Mañana series tour was the first project I participated in when I entered in Movistar +. From the hand of my colleague Irene Vila, I began to learn how the world of events was going. And what better way to do it than with this very good series from the director Mariano Barroso, now president of the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España.

The series tour touched several cities. It began with a great premiere in Madrid, to later perform in Barcelona, ​​and end up going to festivals in Tudela and Santiago de Compostela. Although I helped out for the entire tour, I practically focused on the Madrid premiere.

It took place on June 20th, 2018, on a hot late night in Madrid, one of those in which Gran Vía is packed. And precisely there it was made so that the red carpet at the entrance of the Cines Capitol was in full view of everyone. A photocall was set up for the VIP guests and the entire cast to pass by. The main cast is quite renowned, such as Aura Garrido, Karra Elejalde, Jesús Carroza, and of course the director of the series Mariano Barroso.

The previous photo shows very well the crowd that was there that day. On the left, fans and onlookers who have been attracted by the spotlights. On the right, photographers eager to capture the actors. And in the background, with a very cool pink shirt, I’m getting in the way at the entrance.

Afterwards, the actors were interviewed inside the cinema. There were many media summoned, and thus the dead time was taken advantage of while all the guests sat down. To give you an idea, I leave you this interview from Moobys, which is not bad at all.

The first two chapters of the series were screened in the room. The guests really loved it. What they also liked a lot was what we had prepared for them later: a party on the terraces of the Vinci Capitol hotel. Cocktail, illuminated furniture, chill music and Madrid’s Gran Vía at our feet.


Cartel Conecta Fiction

Many of our series went to the Conecta Fiction festival in Santiago de Compostela. Galicians could enjoy the chapters of the original production series of Movistar+ in the second edition of this festival. In addition, there were also talks and workshops of different content.

Specifically, the festival took place in the Auditorio Abanca and the Teatro Principal of Santiago. At the Abanca Auditorium, visitors could see the series “Mira Lo Que Has Hecho“, “Matar al Padre“, “Vergüenza” and “El Día de Mañana”. In the Teatro Principal chapters of “La Zona“, “Velvet” and “Félix” were put on. There was also a colloquium on the special effects of La Peste, directed by Iván Benjumea and José M.G. Moyano. My task was to ensure that both Iván and José arrived perfectly in time to explain how to return to 16th century Seville on screen.

I also coordinated the arrival of some incredible “Velvet” costumes from Madrid. These costumes went to an exhibition that would be in the auditoriums. Due to the detail of the styling of this series, the costumes were very delicate, but this was not an issue because in Movistar+ Scenography and Styling department they are more than used to handling garments like these. These are the three that I liked the most: