flandr fondo

But what does Flandr offer? It allows you to find people who lend items they don’t use, instead of selling them. We live in a time when everyone has one or two apps on their mobile for buying and selling second-hand objects, and Flandr goes one step further and proposes that all this be free.

For example, you just finished a book or a video game, and of course, you don’t want to sell it in case you want to relive the experience in the future. With Flandr you allow other people, who share interests similar to yours, to borrow your object. But let’s face it, generally, people don’t want to lend their things if they don’t get anything in return. Therefore, for every loan you make, you get points that you can use to borrow objects. In this way, you avoid having only freeloaders, and both asking and leaving are encouraged. Just upload objects to your “virtual storage room”, and check those of other users in case something interests you.

Our Work

Our challenge then was not only to make the brand known but also to explain its function. After a long creative descent, we came to the conclusion that not only an object is lent, but all the experience that encompasses it. They don’t lend you skis, they lend you days of speed, fun and falls. They don’t lend you the season of Game of Thrones, they lend you sleepless nights thinking about strange theories. We wanted to express all this under the claim “Hobby for lend” (Se presta hobby, in Spanish).


This first action has a teaser feature. The cities of Madrid and Barcelona wake up with a number of boards of “FOR LEND” (SE PRESTA), instead of “FOR SALE” (SE VENDE) on the balconies of the houses. Inside each board, a different object is written.

Carteles Se Presta
Carteles Se Presta

Many people wonder what new challenge or what fad is this. Nothing makes sense until they see mupis with a graphic with the message “Madrid has a lot to lend you” (Madrid tiene mucho que prestarte). Wow, it’s an app campaign, but what will it be? The most curious people will look for it in their Instagram Stories, many others will pass, but without a doubt, the idea that people are lending will be on everyone’s head.


Gráfica Flandr

Flandr's Place

With this action, what interests us is that the user understands the use of the app. We would launch a pop-up store in Madrid for weeks in which people can exchange objects. The procedure would be as follows: the store will have a weekly theme (running, reading, cinema, video games, music), and during that period, the customer will receive an object of that theme.

In return, the user will have to give an object in this “storage room”. In this way, we educate the consumer of our philosophy. In addition, this space can serve as a meeting point between different users of the app to carry out loan and refund exchanges individually.

Pop Up Flandr

This action would be accompanied by advertising on social networks, where the location of the storage room would appear and the theme of the week would be displayed.

Trastero Equitación Flandr
Trastero Gamer Flandr

Audio Advertising

To finish well explaining what Flandr is, there is nothing better than placing commercials both on radio and on Spotify. We have created 3 different ads, each one with a different message, but all based on humour.

In the first place, the Nooks ad seeks to convey the amount and variety of objects that you can find in the application and, therefore, to borrow.

The Flipao ad presents the advantage of using the application and being able to borrow things versus buying them.

Finally, Bikesexual shows the possible situations that can occur between users, dealing with the issue of lack of trust when using the app, and exemplifying how through it you will enter into a community of people with the same interests than you.

Complete Work

If you have liked our campaign, and you want to know some more action that we proposed or see how our creative descent was, then I leave you our written work. In addition, the document includes the names of the rest of the team members. Undoubtedly without them it would have been impossible to obtain the mark 10/10 in the subject, as we finally achieve.