Captura de pantalla 2019-02-28 a las 0.15.39

This summer in Madrid was tremendously hot, but thanks to Movistar+ and NBA, basketball fans were able to cool off a bit next to the Larry O’Brien trophy at the Telefónica Flagship in Gran Vía. On July 25th, the doors were fully open for those who I would like to see and be photographed with this prestigious trophy.

My task was to coordinate the event, so that no details were missing for the occasion. With the help of my teammates and the NBA, the space in the store was enabled for this day. The doors were vinylated announcing the event and clips of different matches were played on the exterior and interior screens. In addition, the trophy was placed in one of the areas of the store, along with a great photocall to fill the fans’ Instagram with good photos.

The results of this action were incredible. The traffic of people that day in the store increased by 100% compared to a year ago, reaching about 2,500 visitors. There was also a lot of interaction through social networks, all under the classic hashtag #dormiresdecobardes.