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We had the task of making a mobile app that had a social character, that apart from being able to serve as a business idea, that could help and contribute to people. We focus on minors and their relationship with drugs. We chose this theme because we had recently lived through those ages and we knew how easy it is to fall into a world that is very difficult to get out of. And that’s where we wanted to focus, on how to get out.

To begin with, we saw that of the large number of anti-drug associations that exist in Spain, practically none focus exclusively on minors. The vast majority of them go to the parents themselves, showing them how they have to educate their children. Therefore, we wanted to make a tool that speaks directly to them, without intermediaries.

So, what to do? After many interviews and study readings, we saw that regardless of the reason why they started taking drugs, in each case they stopped their extra-school activities. Drugs filled up all the time that they used to use to play sports, learn music or even play video games. In addition, it was very common that they left their friends because of the typical “bad influences”. We had to achieve the opposite, that all these activities ate time for drugs.

With this objective, Ret App was born, a prototype application that offers plans that are more reachable than drugs. Would you go to the park to do bad things if they are having a skate competition there? With this app, minors will have in their hand a number of plans available in their neighbourhood so that they can occupy their time in a healthier way.

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Sign up for plans, make groups of friends, chat and even complete your profile with your likes, hobbies, favourite plans … All these things are what Ret App offers you! Click on the following image to navigate a bit around the prototype, for you can have a better idea of the interface and operation of the app.